Do you know how to read ? If you’re reading this, I will assume the answer is yes, but if you would like to know more about deciphering the media, and spot green washing in advertising, join us on March 28th at Le Shadok for Nerd Nite !
We will enjoy the following presentations, lasting about 20 minutes each and with a break in between (for getting more liquid in your body (or less, that’s aslo a valid break activity)).
Media Literacy or rather understanding how media, technology and the internet work and becoming a free thinker
by Gozel – Human-Computer Interaction researcher and sustainable
digitalisation consultant
In this talk, Gozel will explore YouTube’s algorithm, business model, and the platform’s behavioral influence techniques. The presentation will conclude with practical steps and resources to enhance media literacy and foster independent thinking.
How to spot Greenwashing?! Learn about how to make truly sustainable decisions in a world full of non-words and half-knowledge
by Victoria, who is currently pursuing a degree in sustainable business development after being an online marketing girly for over 3 years.
To give a better understanding of what it means to be more sustainable, Victoria will explain buzz words that might have lost their meaning and showcase different strategies of greenwashing. She will also present (truly) sustainable options to leave the audience with actionable insights.
Learning from mistakes
by Sudeepta, PhD student in neuroscience
Like a lot of things in nature, our brain is not always accurate. Often when animals perform tasks that require highly precise movements, like you buttoning your shirt (yes we are animals), it becomes absolutely necessary to have a system that corrects for the errors during the execution of the motion. In vertebrates, the cerebellum, a part of the brain, is known to carry out this process.In this talk, we will know more about this brain region and try to understand how it does what it does.
Place : Le Shadok, 25 presqu’ile André Malraux, Rue du Bass. d’Austerlitz, 67100 Strasbourg, France
Date : March 28th, first presentation starts at 19:00
Free event !
Drinks and snacks available for sale at the Shadok’s bar.